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Experience Clay Session – 2HR


Experience Clay Workshop

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Master Class with Sandeep Machekar


Fees: Rs.41300/- (including taxes)
(Forty one thousand and three hundred rupees only)
inclusive of the material and firing.

Date: 5th March to 10th March, 2024

Duration: 6 days – 10 sessions – 3 hours/session

Timing: 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Please read terms & conditions page

Introduction to raw materials of clay & glazes, understanding concept of clay body & glazes

This course will help you to understand the spectrum of Ceramic clay bodies and glazes, practically & theoretically.

SSession 1: Introduction to clay raw material. Physical testing of clay raw material
Session 2: Introduction to glaze raw materials, making line blends of glaze. along with related theory.
Session 3: Understanding the result of line blend, Developing the base transparent glaze from line blend. Result evaluation after firing the clay material individually at higher temperature.
Session 4: Understanding the concept of the clay body. Studying the results of fired clay bodies. Making the larger batch of clay.
Session 5: Composing the base glaze and addition of modifiers to make suitable Glaze.
Session 6: Addition of colouring agents to the transparent glaze
Session 7: Addition of pacifiers with colourants and testing the glazes
Session 8: As per session 7
Session 9: Testing the glazes by using stains as glaze colourants.
Session 10: Studying the results & question answer

You will test minimum 2 different clay bodies and 34 oxide base glazes